Bella’s blog

Updates about my missions!!

So will I

this three word phrase has sung out over my heart this past week

for if everything exist to lift you high

so will i.

creation itself screams the existence of a creator

if the stars were made to worship

so will i.

if the rocks cry out in silence

so will i.

Jesus’ own life on this earth was for love and He set the example of how we are supposed to live

if you gladly chose surrender

so will i.

if you gave your life to love them

so will i.

   it’s been about 5 weeks living in Eswatini and I have fallen in love with the country, it’s cultural, and the people. This past week I have found myself shying away from being confident in what God calls me. So many times I have to say— in this situation what would you do Lord, then so will I. It’s been a hard week I have been frustrated by situations, heartbroken, and confused. But the Lord chose to surrender and give his life to love, so will I.

About two weeks ago we heard about one of the gogos that we have never met had been sick for the past month in her home. So my team went to pray over her, and give her company. This past week we went back to visit her and she was fully healed besides her knee giving her problems. How can you explain that besides the powerful healing of our God!! This same week team 138 got to experience praying over a young paralyzed girl and her regaining so touch and small movement!! SO incredible! God is on the move and doing so many things!

This past Tuesday we spent the day doing a burn! We prayed and fasted and worshipped all day to reset our minds on what’s important and have a good foundation to give our all these next 2 weeks! It was beautiful and there were so many break throughs. One quote my leader said is “some of the biggest battles are won on our knees with empty stomachs”.

I have had a sweet time continuing to grow deeper with my squad. Sometimes living with 20 others is hard, but other times is the most beautiful and wonderful thing!

Kate and I, she is such a sweet soul and has a desire to be intentional with everyone! We could paint and talk for hours and hours if we had the time 🤍

My lovely hannah banana, this girl is such a joy, we giggle too much and take care of each other whenever the other is sick! we try to see each other on the random small time since we are on different teams!

here is the squad!! Love them all dearly and so thankful to get to experience this with each and everyone of them!

One response to “So will I”

  1. Bel–thank you for going. Thank you for loving deeply. My heart and prayers are with your team this last week in Eswatini.