Bella’s blog

Updates about my missions!!

Hey friends!! Super excited to be sharing why I’m going on this trip, how it came about, and a little more about what I’m going to be doing! Also this is a great way for y’all to keep up to date about everything going on while I’m gone!

So over the summer I started to think about my senior year and all the craziness that comes with that and really wanted to do more for God and serve Him with everything I had. I was praying for opportunities and just what God wanted me to do with this last year of high school. As many of y’all know my sister, Ashtyn, did a long term mission trip with YWAM. That kinda stirred my thoughts toward missions. I looked into YWAM, but nothing lined up with the days I wanted to be back for my classes’ actual graduation. So I kept praying about it and eventually heard about The World Race being a 4 month mission trip and the times lined up perfectly. I kept praying that if this was what the Lord wanted me to do that He would keep opening up doors and if not that He would give me a clear no. After many different things with age requirements, classes I would have to add for fall, and school approval; the Lord kept making a way for me to go on this trip. I believe that God will bring in the funds and be with me through this whole time.

I specifically chose this trip because ever since I was little I use to say that someday I was going to be a teacher missionary in Africa. Now full circle moment I’m headed to Africa in 132 days to serve in after school programs!

We will be sharing the gospel in both South Africa and Eswatini through school programs at global leadership academy, service projects, beach evangelism, feeding programs, agricultural projects, and even leadership classes to help raise leaders who love the Lord in this next generation! We will be partnering with organizations that Adventures in Missions has been a part of for a long time.

I can’t wait to serve the Lord in these ways and to also learn how to be on mission all of my life however that looks—whether in my last 3 months of school, in Africa, in college, or in whatever place God leads me to!! Thankful for y’all coming alongside of me and encouraging me and supporting me! It would be really difficult without a supportive community!

Some specific prayers right now would be for me to be fully fundraised, for our team to be prepared spiritually for this trip, and for me to finish my last semester of high school well.

Much love <3

2 responses to “Why The World Race?”

  1. We both are so incredibly blessed by hearing your heart, dear Bella. You will have our support in every way.
    This is such a loving challenge for you to share the Good News of salvation through Christ. Here or there, Bella, you will be living life at His call. And it is so evident that He, alone, has transformed your life and called you to such a mission of His grace and love for a lost world.
    Our hearts go with you, as they did with Ashtyn. We love you so very much.
    UJ & AC

  2. Love that you are doing this! I just came back a couple of days ago from a mission trip to Mbita, Kenya Africa, assisting a Primary school there called the Victoria Watoto School. It provides education, meals, school supplies, and uniforms to children, many of whom are orphans or raised by grandparents or single parents who otherwise couldn’t afford to send their children to school. One of the school’s founders is also one of our River’s Edge Christian Academy teachers, Heather Duncan. The organization which raises support for this project is

    We’’ve also started a greenhouse garden project as well to provide nutritious food to the community and to teach the skills necessary for them to become self-sufficient and be able to provide their own food. I’d love to keep in touch and share information and stories!